Thursday, September 18, 2014

Free to be me

I've been in the beauty business for over 20+ years! It took 2 hrs to get ready for work in a 5 star spa & salon & since I've been retired now for 5 years from that industry I feel free to be me. Women dress for other women. Men dress because they have to (because, let's be honest, men like necked) And truly, it doesn't matter how U look as long as your comfortable with your self. First lesson; be comfortable over fashion unless your a supermodel & get paid to look perfect. Second lesson; know thy self: if u know u are a good person and love your self than others will be attracted to u. Third lesson; if u know someone that doesn't like you, avoid them at all cost. Why waste your time on what they think or say about you? Life is to short to care about what people think or say. Your not going to have everyone be your fan. Most of the time they are jealous of you anyway. To make themselves feel better they make fun of others to make them look superior! And appear to be perfect which is impossible, unless your airbrushed.  Who wants to waste there time on people like that. If someone doesn't like me, it's because they don't truly know me. And if there not willing to take the time to know me then BUU BY....SEE YA WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA.  I say wear the swimsuit! Stop shaving your legs & pits, and u will find a true friend for life. Otherwise, I don't need nor want them in my life. I've got stuff to do that REALLY WILL AND HAS helped people. I don't have time for faultfinding of my little belly hanging out, or my hair is messy, OR my leg hair is showing & growing .........................I'M FREE TO BE ME ✌️

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