Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fibromyalgia & sleep

Using Essential oils can help. A message sent to me from Dr. Sharnael Wolverton ND

Suggested Oils for Sleep:

  • Valor
  • Lavender
  • Dream Catcher (For Nightmares)
  • Peace & Calming
  • Valerian (Strong)

Last year I was having problems with sleeping at night so I decided I would try the Valor oil to see if it would help me out. I tried putting 2 drops on the bottom of both feet and then with the oil on my hands, I would cup them in front of my mouth and nose and take 6-8 deep breaths. Since I started with this routine I have been getting a full night's sleep and waking up very refreshed. My husband has been using it also and is sleeping better with a lot less snoring

I had read that Valerian could be good for insomnia, I'd put a few drops under my tongue and then - because it didn't smell great - I put a drop of Lavender on the tip of my nose which masked the smell. It was a wonder! I was sleeping again and never was groggy in the morning. The National Institutes of Health has a website devoted to Valerian for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders. Just as an aside, Valerian Root is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for ingestion by the FDA. I would just make sure the oil ingested is therapeutic grade. I highly recommend the Valerian/Lavender combo for insomnia.

use Essential Oil of Cedarwood on my feet before I go to bed and sleep like a baby! It stimulates the pineal gland which releases natural Melatonin. I feel this is also good for the brain since Cedarwood is high in sesquiterpenes [brain food]. I have also used Alkalime and Lavender for sleep....love it.

I have added some reflexology techniques and the rubbing of Peace and Calming essential oils to the bottom of my feet, and some in my palms to smell deeply. 

Wendy, feel free to share this message with someone that you know - that may benefit from a better night's sleep. I'll look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sweet dreams!

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton ND
denham springs 

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

Disclaimer Notice:

This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

My life

This is our story to tell. You'd think for all the reading I do, I would have thought about this before, but I haven't. I've never once thought about the interpretative, the story telling aspect of life, of my life. I always felt like I was in a story, yes, but not like I was the author of it, or like I had any say in its telling whatsoever.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Considering taking medication to treat Fibromyalgia?

 Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below.

Photos Make Chronic Pain Visible

If you live with chronic pain, you have vast quantities of company. The estimates range from a few million to one-quarter of Americans in long-lasting pain. But you might never know it. Pain is not visible. There’s no 12-step group for it. And if you’re hurting for long, you’re likely to retreat into isolation rather than reach out to others.

Enter the US Pain Foundation (US as of only this January; it began as the CT Pain Foundation), a volunteer-based group founded by Paul Gileno, a former chef who had to find a new calling after a broken spine left him in constant agony. It runs support groups; does advocacy work; and tomorrow, beginning at noonish, is holding a free-lunch session at the Tufts School of Dental Medicine that features The INvisible Project, which documents in photographs and text the lives of people with chronic pain. (One example is here.)

The project’s aim is to educate others about the lives of people with pain, Paul said: “I think the biggest perception for people who don’t have chronic pain all the time is that if they don’t see it, then it’s almost like they don’t believe it after a while. In the beginning, if you get injured, people say, ‘Are you okay?’ But after a while, that chronic pain stays and it’s a year later and people tend to say, ‘Okay, when are you going to get better?’ Well, I wish I could get better right now but my pain is still there. We’re saying, ‘It’s real and we want you to know this is real.’”

Also, Paul said, “We want to show other people with pain that their new normal isn’t much different than everybody else’s who suffers with chronic pain. We want to show them that it’s okay if you’re home one day and not feeling well, it’s okay if this is all that you can do. We want to show them that this is the new normal and they’re not alone.”

The people featured in the project have diagnoses ranging from arthritis to FIBROMYALGIA  to lupus to obscure syndromes few have heard of, but they have two things in common: They’ve been chosen by fate to be physically tortured, and they soldier on. 

Their stories tend to be Job-like; I can’t imagine what it’s like to live their lives, and to tell the truth, I don’t dare try. And that’s part of why people with chronic pain need to connect with each other, Paul Gileno said. “You’re understood on a deeper level that you need to be understood on. Because your family and friends aren’t going through it and can’t understand, and you need that understanding and support to move forward.”

“It’s so common for people to fall into such a deep state of depression and suffering,” he said. “And it becomes worse because when you’re depressed you move less, and your body’s tightening up,” worsening the pain. “You start to lose where that original pain was, because now you’re riddled with pain everywhere. Our goal is to try to catch people when they’re first diagnosed so we can walk them through it. Right now when people come to us” — some virtual hermits because of their pain — “it’s like they can’t take it anymore so they need to reach out. We want to catch people before they get to that point.”

I asked Paul what the culture was like in an organization where virtually everyone suffers from chronic pain. I could imagine two possibilities: Maybe more grumpiness than in most workplaces, but also more compassion.

Over time, he said, the foundation has found many people whose pain keeps them from working but who still have valuable job skills and find volunteering very fulfilling. The key is redundancy, he said: If a project employs, say, three or four attorneys where normally one might have been enough, then “if you’re having a bad day or bad moment or bad week, you don’t feel that pressure of ‘Oh my God, i have to get that work done.’ We all understand that — we make sure it’s not all on one person’s shoulders.”

Everyone understands other aspects of “the new normal” as well: “We are a little slower, our timelines are different, a lot of people are up at night so that’s when they’re doing a lot of work, because they can’t sleep at night.”

Since Paul founded it in 2006, the Pain Foundation has grown to 27,000 members, he said. There are other pain-oriented groups, including The American Pain Foundation and The American Pain Society, but he found when he was injured in 2003 that none seemed to fill his needs. “My life had changed and I started trying to meet other people whose lives changed because of pain, and I couldn’t find anybody. I started the foundation just looking for other people. and it snowballed from there.”

Saturday, November 9, 2013

If you have fibromyalgia, you may want to read this

A message from Dr. Tom O’Bryan Founder, The Gluten Summit and theDr.com

Gluten can easily sneak into your diet and, if gluten is bad for you, those sneak attacks are rarely much fun at all. A Grain of Truth: The Gluten Summit will help you take the next step toward determining if gluten is bad for you, and reveal those foods where it often hides.


But enough about that for the moment.

Let’s take a sneak peek at some of the

other things you’ll learn next week!

(Yes, the summit begins on Monday! Can you believe it?)



My Chat with Lexi About Her Gluten- & Dairy-free Diet

Lexi is a bright-eyed 10-year old who admittedly “puked up in her mouth” a lot before she learned that her diet might be the cause. So, she took it in stride, switched to a gluten-free and dairy-free diet, and wrote a book about it!


Listen to Dr. O’Bryan’s entertaining interview with Lexi!



Underground Wellness: Gluten Talk with Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness invited me onto his podcast last week, and I brought some audio clips from The Gluten Summit interviews that will be available next week!


For example, find these topics during the podcast at the following times:

  • 10:08: Wheat: It’s the “staff of life”, ya know!
  • 18:45: Your immune system is like the Armed Forces in there!
  • 38:51: 30% of teenagers have subclinical heart disease!
  • 56:55: Even tofu can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Listen to “Gluten Talk” on the Underground Wellness podcast now!


Though we sometimes talk light heartedly about gluten-related disorders and the impacts they have on people’s lives--humor can be healing, as you know--the fact of the matter is that only a small percentage of the population has been diagnosed with a gluten-related disorder, and a very large portion of the population has symptoms that may be caused by a sensitivity to gluten… withno idea that gluten is the culprit fueling their symptoms. 



I’ll say that again…


More than 300 symptoms could be caused

by the consumption of gluten, yet a very

small percentage of the population

knows it could be fueling the cause.


That, my friends, is the ultimate reason why “A Grain of Truth: The Gluten Summit” is so important: To help those potentially return to health who have no idea what is fueling their ailments, including you.


Do you know someone—a friend, family member, even yourself—who thinks they may be sensitive to gluten or with any of the following symptoms:

  • Brain fog?
  • Fatigue?
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
  • Unexplained rashes?
  • Migraines?
  • Tummy aches? 
  • Constipation or diarrhea?
  • Thyroid problems?
  • Unexplained weight loss (or gain)?
  • Joint pain?
  • Dental defects?
  • A child's failure to thrive or shortened stature?

All of these, AND MORE, could be caused by gluten in one’s diet

That’s why I encourage you to reach out to those you know, perhaps family members or a friends, and invite them to join you in watching The Gluten Summit. Simply send them a note over email, on Facebook or Twitter, a text message or a phone call, and say, “I really think you should check outtheglutensummit.com. It’s free. It’s online. And, it’s next week. Join me. We’ll watch it together.”



You could change a life next week, especially your own. 


Again, I am so appreciative of the fact that you’ll be joining us online on Monday. See you then!



Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Founder, The Gluten Summit and theDr.com

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Therapies for fibromyalgia pain

One of the latest alternative therapies for fibromyalgia is very old: tai chi. This is the ancient Chinese system of gentle movement that helps align your core energy, or "chi." The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is funding a clinical trial of tai chi to see how it affects muscle-skeletal pain, fatigue, sleep quality, psychological distress, and overall health in people with fibromyalgia. NCCAM is also funding research on acupuncture, especially relating to fibromyalgia pain, and on biofeedback in treating fibromyalgia. 

Myths about Fibromyalgia

Article Image

Despite the fact that fibromyalgia has finally gained widespread acceptance as a medical illness, confusion abounds regarding this poorly understood condition. So it's time to put aside some of the biggest misconceptions about fibromyalgia.

MYTH: Your Fibro Symptoms Are All in Your Head
Truth: Fibromyalgia is a real medical condition, which includes specific medical criteria for diagnosis. And fibromyalgia researchers are learning more and more about it. In fact, we now know that the nervous systems of people with fibromyalgia process pain signals differently than people who don't have the condition.

MYTH: Only Lazy, Inactive People Get Fibromyalgia
Truth: Researchers actually suspect that many people who develop fibromyalgia are driven people, and that the stress of that drive may play a role in wearing away a person's defenses against fibro symptoms.

MYTH: There Are No Effective Fibro Treatments
Truth: Here's the good news. As more and more research is being done on fibromyalgia, we're learning more about it. And that's helping doctors pinpoint better, more effective fibro treatments. The catch is that what works for one person may not work for another, so you need to work closely with a doctor to refine and modify your fibromyalgia treatment.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Having Fibromyalgia & defending my passion.

This is what I wanted to say to a woman that asked me why she wasn't getting Host Picks on Poshmark. I responded with my usual answer " SHARE SHARE SHARE" her response back was so stressfull that I started to write this back to her. Fortunately I re-read it & chose to be "MAGNANIMOUS" and say " Poshmark isn't for every one" but I still want to share what I was truly feeling like saying. I hope it isn't offensive to you & forgive me for any hurt feelings.❌❌⭕️⭕️✌️

" I may not have the verbage or the education that most people have. Poshmark is about love and sharing. For me its about what I can give not what I can get. I've already had my success, I retired at the age of 40. I'm a multi millionaire, and I do Poshmark because I want to give back. It's not relevant of how much time I spend sharing. I've been bedridden for almost 3 years. I finally got enough strength to find a new passion, regardless if I make money or not. I make money on my investment. Everything I have I own. I have no debt. I live way under my means. You being a business major, couldn't possibly understand my heart for Poshmark. This is a place for women who need an extra income and a purpose. From what you've said you have your purpose. Maybe Poshmark is not for you. It's not for everybody. Its a little like becoming a born again Christian. You become a follower of Christ because you have faith in a Creator that became a man & died on a cross so we can have a personal relationship with Him and have eternal life. If you haven't had an experienced with the Holy Spirit's love, its difficult to understand. Why else would a person  believe that we were created and placed on this earth to love other people. That is my purpose. I've been extremely blessed in my life. Yes I've had my struggles (fibromyalgia has kicked my butt). But in the end my Creator always gives more to me than I will ever be able to give to other people. That's why I choose to share other peoples closets and talk highly of Manish. He is a man that created a business that women with illnesses like myself can do without much effort. I use to make a lot of money at one time & worked my but off for the all mighry $$. Now that I'm retired, I get to choose how I spend my time. I choose spending my time helping other people. I'm in bed most the day anyway. As far as seeing you on Google+, I did ask people to do a practice run before Poshfest. No one did a practice with me so I didn't think anyone was interested. I do apologize. But that's all I can do is apologize. I appreciate the fact that the three things about you is that you don't tolerate bullshitters or tip toe around how you feel. I appreciate that you don't think that that's what I was doing to you. In the past when I've tried to defend myself because of my illness, most people don't understand it. Having fibromyalgia is a REAL DIAGNOSED CHRONIC ILLNESS. It can cause my brain not a function like a normal person, plus have memory loss. I had to take a lot of medication just to get to Poshfest, yes it was worth it. Even if I helped one person know that they're cared for, are accepted just the way they are, & that they're appreciated. What Manish has done for me by creating Poshmark is keeping me from killing myself. My pain consumes me every day. At one time I was on 16 different medications. When I had to rest and be in bed I started getting fat. I've always been a size 2 to 6. Now I'm a 12. Being in the beauty industry for over 20+ years, it was about how you look...Fashion....what's hot now...not how much college education you've had. It's been 20 years of my life being brainwashed into thinking if ur pretty, u can get what u want. If ur ugly & fat u better get an education. Poshmark has reprogrammed my brain to what's realy important. PoshLove it doesn't come from eBay, Copious, Amazon, or any retail store. Why have you interrogated me about "What has Manish & Poshmark given me for my time?" All I did was let U know how I share the Posh Parties & Co-host's closets way before the party even has a theme. Having a chronic illness, (fibromyalgia & CD) its nessary to keep my mind occupied so I don't think about the pain as much. If you haven't experienced a chronic illness then it would be difficult to understand." 
This is where I stopped & read my words....realizing it would just cause me more stress which makes my fibromyalgia worse. I've learned it's ok to feel angry when someone is attacking something you have a passion for. It's NOT OK to cause more stress by TRYING to defend your passion. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Note to a friend

I wouldn't wish fibromyalgia on my worst enemy. What the Dr.'s will do is test u for every disease out there & when they don't find anything wrong, THEN they will test u for fibromyalgia. Here is what my symptoms are. It started when I injured my back in 2000. I never healed from it. I used to pop out of bed, now I can't get out of bed until live taken my morning pills & laid on my infrared heating pad for 30 min. & do my bed Yoga for 20 min. My body feels like I have the flu all the time everyday (going on 12 years now). One time I had the flu and didn't know it until my hubby said I was hot. I took my temp. 102 deg & had to go to Emergancy cuz it was after hrs. Now that I have sciatic on my right side, I ache from my toes to my pinky finger with no relief unless I'm sleeping or highly medicated. It feels like growing pains when I was a kid. A deep in the bone burning sensation, it's been 4 years now & my left side has compensated for so long now it's got a burning deep inside sensation. Everything that hurts from normal activity. I vacuumed my bedroom & Great room with a Kirby G5 auto drive & it put me in bed for the rest of the day with pounding pings that made me crawl in a fetal position. It wasn't always this way, it started off as flu like symptoms; fatigue, headache, body aches...then the sciatica came on like a bat to my body ( 20 yrs in the beauty business & bending over ppl waxing ) forced me into early retirement. I was bed ridden for 3 months, that's when I found Poshmark. About May of 2012, I tried to do eBay and almost sold a $250 Coach handbag for $10 bucks! Thankfully I was able to go in as my husband and buy it for $11. The meds for fibromyalgia are horrible! The side effects are memory loss, constipation, weigh gain, on & on & on. It's only by the grace of God I'm going to Poshfest. I started the blog so I could have a place to express my true pain without complaining on FB & Poshmark. I mention it in my meet the seller only to let ppl know that it's a real autoimmune disease. Women from around the USA have fibromyalgia PLUS other illnesses. It helps to know I'm not alone & gives me more of a reason to find a cure. The Dr.'s that actually believe it's a real diagnosis are saying there's no cure, that a person will only receive 50% relief EVER. It's like a death sentence without the peace of death. At least the other illnesses have that or can go into remission. Not to down play them, but only to say fibromyalgia NEVER gets a break of relief. I will find a cure! I feel like it's part of my destiny. The Blog is a starting place. I'm hoping that while I'm at Poshfest no one will be able to tell how much pain I'm in. I've learned different techniques of being social w/ a smile on my face with out being to fake. I'm constantly saying in my head "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me" He really is my true healer, I'm learning that He didn't give this illness to me. Yes He has allowed it...for the big picture. I'm learning how to NOT burn the candles at both ends. How to NOT feel sorry for myself, but to forgive myself. How NOT to make "what I do, become who I am". That patience truly is a virtu, I now have the capacity to tolerate delay, & suffer without getting angry or upset. If u don't have insurance, & u think u might have fibromyalgia....take a hard look at your life. Are u eating to much whites; flower, sugar, milk, any food that is high in fat? Are u getting quality sleep? Do u burn the candle at both ends? Is your life balanced? Do u hold anger? Can u forgive? Do u exercise? Do u drink 1/2 your body weight in oz of water? ( ie. if u weighed 100lbs u would drink 50oz a day). Are you stressed? Over worked? Had any accidents? Memory loss? If u answer these Q's truthfully u will be able to make corrections & have a better life. I hope this helps u my friend. I may be only I my 40's but I have an old sole & learn quickly from my mistakes. Plus, I look at my family of 3 aunts & my mom to make sure I don't make there mistakes. Will I still make mistakes? Yup, but I wouldn't be where I am today without learning everyday. I know who I am. I know how to make corrections. I know how to have balance (even though I miss that one ALL the time UGGH) I've learned how to love myself without being selfish. I accept myself & others right where they are...even if I'm frustrated by them. My new mantra is "love 2 live-live 2 love" even if I don't feel like it. ❌❌⭕️⭕️✌️